Washington Ayub Odero, Medical Psychologist leads our hospital liaison team. Each team| member is fully trained in Home-Based healthcare. We pay National Health Insurance fee to cover most in/and/out patient costs for entire families.
Hospitals, patient support centers. community health workers and former patients help identify prospective patients. Partnerships with organizations like Christ's Hope International and Untold provide orphan care when we lose a patient, or ongoing services after discharge. Local organizations provide in-kind donations of food and supplies.
FOOD IS ESSENTIAL… Weekly food bags are a vital service since most patients suffer from HIV/AIDs and often some form of malnutrition. Bags include beans, rice, tomatoes, onions, fruit, ugali flour, porridge, milk, eggs, water guard and omena (small fish). Supplies are purchased fresh and delivered each week to each patient. Special bags with extra nutrients are provided to our sickest patients.
The Bible provides our marching orders: “care for the sick & needy in the name of Jesus.” Our best tool for encouragement, the Bible is offered to each patient in their local language, Luo, Swahili, or English.