Hello, This is


Ministry Area Coordinator - Ombeyi LOMAMO FOUNDATION

Allan is a Kenyan citizen by birth, the fourth born in a family of ten children from a very humble background. His father passed when he was in grade 3 and their family was raised by his mother as a single parent. Three siblings passed in their tender years of life, survived by the remaining 7 siblings. In 2019, Allan was married to his wife Grace and God blessed them with a son named Daniel.

Over the last 10+ years, Allan’s determination led him to educational opportunities resulting in being trained as a drug adherence and treatment counselor and as a Home-Based Caregiver/Counselor to youths and families living with HIV/AIDS.

In recent years he served at Christ’s Hope International as a Caregiver and Ministry Center Coordinator in the Orphans & Vulnerable Children (OVC) program.

Currently he is working with LOMAMO FOUNDATION as a Caregiver for patients under HIV and TB treatment, ministering to them with the love of God, leading them to the saving grace of the Cross of Christ.